Jewishly Israel

Dreaming of being dropped in a tremendous Judaica store and never having to leave? Well, that’s how we feel now that we’re living in Israel where being Jewish is part and parcel of everyday life. Having lived in the States till recently, I am so excited about all those things that are part of living Jewishly here that I’ve begun listing them. 

Great things about living here:

  1. The sign at the entrance to Jerusalem which cites from Psalms: Omdot hayu ragleinu b’sha’arayich, Yerushalayim (our feet stood immobile, in the gates of Jerusalem).
  2. The shuk in Yerushalayim.
  3. The mini-shul (synagogue) in the shuk in Yerushalayim.
  4. Shuls located in malls in Israel.
  5. Plethora of suitable clothing including long skirts, hats, scarves and berets.
  6. Kippot (yarmulkas) sold everywhere.
  7. Buses that wish a Chag Sameach or G’mar Tov on the signs above the windshields.
  8. The sign on the rear view mirror of public bus driver’s which reads: v’ahavta l’nahagcha kamocha – and you shall love your driver as yourself.
  9. Bus drivers wearing kippot.
  10. Living here.
  11. Not throwing away bread but having a special place on the street, that looks like a planter, yet is filled with bread scraps to feed the birds.
  12. Not having to listen to the “other holiday” songs in December!
  13. Being able to purchase all kinds of Judaica in the grocery stores and the dollar (shekel) stores like washing cups, yarmulkes, talis katan and many more things, that we used to have to travel to NYC for.
  14. Being able to keep the apartment hallway lights on over Shabbat.
  15. Shabbat elevators
  16. Shop keepers wish you a Shabbat Shalom! whether they are religious or not
  17. Being legally able to write the Hebrew date on checks
  18. Streets are named for Jewish personages, organizations, and history
  19. Always being comfortable being Jewish, no matter where I walk
  20. The pride I feel when seeing a chayal/chayelet (Israeli soldier)
  21. Tu B’Shvat, the Jewish New Year for Trees, is a national holiday
  22.  Being able to observe the mitzvot that are dependent on living in the Land of Israel, mitzvot ha’t’luyot ba’aretz.
  23. Being able to personally make the blessing on the performance of the mitzva to separate terumot and ma’aserot – tithing – on vegetables we’ve grown in Israel on our balcony.

 What do you think is great about living in Israel? Please help me continue the list by Leaving A Comment so that I can include your thoughts here.
Thanks to Hubby for item 10!
Thanks to EEma for contributing items 11-16!


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